
django-tabination is a library that enables you to easily build your own tab navigation templates by extending the views.TabView base class.

The library is strongly based on the class based views that Django has introduced with version 1.3. You cannot use this library if your project is using function based views.

Creating tab views

For a working custom tab view, the following things are requried:

  • You need to extend the views.TabView base class
  • You need to add the class attribute _is_tab = True to your view
  • You need to specify the tab_group.
  • Each tab needs a tab_id.
  • In order for the tab to be visible in your navigation, you need to set a tab_label.
  • You need to define a template_name.


The _is_tab attribute is needed for the class to be tracked by a tracking metaclass. Therefore it needs to be present when the classes are parsed by the Python interpreter and cannot be added later, e.g. with a decorator.

Getting started

The base class resides in tabination.views. Import it like this:

from tabination.views import TabView

This is a very simple example tab:

class SpamTab(TabView):
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'spam'
    tab_group = 'main_navigation'
    tab_label = 'Spam'
    template_name = 'tabs/spam_tab.html'

Now your page will be rendered using the template tabs/spam_tab.html, because views.TabView extends Django’s generic TemplateView.

If you want, you can also use other generic view mixins (or any other custom mixins) to provide additional functionality. A good example would be the SingleObjectMixin:

from django.views.generic.detail import SingleObjectMixin

class SpamTab(SingleObjectMixin, TabView):
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'spam'
    tab_group = 'main_navigation'
    tab_label = 'Spam'
    template_name = 'tabs/spam_tab.html'
    model = models.SpamCan

Now the SpamCan object with a primary key provided from your URL definition will be passed on to your template as object (see SingleObjectMixin documentation).


As of Django 1.4, above example does not work due to a bug in the class based views implementation (get_context_data in the generic mixins does not call super()). This is fixed in Django 1.5 (see Ticket #16074). If you’re still using Django 1.4 you can either use generic mixins that don’t affect get_context_data, manually call TabView.get_context_data(self, **kwargs) from your tab code or create your own mixins. See the next section for an example.

You can do everything with your TabView that you can do with normal class based views. The only things that you need to bear in mind is that views.TabView always needs to be the base class (on the right side of the parentheses). It may be overloaded using mixins but cannot be combined with other views that override get_context_data.

Customizing your tab view

You can further customize your tab view by overloading the views.TabView‘s class attributes with your own class- or instance attributes or properties (if logic is required).

For available attributes, see views.TabView documentation. You can also create your own attributes, as long as they’re used in your template.

Keep in mind that if the tab you’re working with is not the currently loaded tab, it is just an instance of the tab that has not passed through the dispatching functions. In case you need some variables that you get only by dispatching the request (e.g. self.kwargs), you can use the special attribute self.current_tab to gain access to the currently loaded tab. See also section Accessing request data.

Here is an example of a more sophisticated tab view hierarchy:

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.utils import decorators
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from tabination.views import TabView

class MainNavigationBaseTab(TabView):
    """Base class for all main navigation tabs."""
    tab_group = 'main_navigation'
    tab_classes = ['main-navigation-tab']

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(MainNavigationBaseTab, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['spam'] = 'ham'
        return context

    def tab_classes(self):
        """If user is logged in, set ``logged_in_only`` class."""
        classes = super(MainNavigationBaseTab, self).tab_classes[:]
        if self.current_tab.request.user.is_authenticated():
            classes += ['logged_in_only']
        return classes

class SpamTab(MainNavigationBaseTab):
    """A simple TabView."""
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'spam'
    tab_label = _('Spam')
    template_name = 'spam_tab.html'

class HamTab(MainNavigationBaseTab):
    """TabView is only visible after authentication."""
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'ham'
    tab_label = _('Ham')
    tab_rel = 'nofollow,noindex'
    template_name = 'ham_tab.html'

    def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Make sure only authenticated users can access this tab."""
        return super(HamTab, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

    def tab_visible(self):
        """Show tab only if current user is logged in."""
        return self.current_tab.request.user.is_authenticated()

class HiddenTab(MainNavigationBaseTab):
    """A hidden TabView."""
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'hidden'
    template_name = 'hidden_tab.html'

In this example, a base tab class was created. Because it does not contain the _is_tab class attribute, it is not listed as a tab itself (which wouldn’t be possible anyway, as it has no tab_id). The three classes SpamTab, HamTab and HiddenTab extend the MainNavigationBaseTab. The base class predefines a tab group, so each extending tab doesn’t have to define it again, therefore following the DRY principle. It also adds a new context variable called spam to the context of each tab.

The second tab, HamTab, overrides some more attributes. In this example, the tab is only visible in the template if the current user is logged in. Additionally, if the user is logged in, a new CSS class logged_in_only gets added to the tab_classes list, in order to be able to show the user that this is a “secret” tab that guest users aren’t able to see. A copy of the tab_classes list is used because otherwise the CSS class would be added to all classes which extend MainNavigationBaseTab.

The third tab, HiddenTab, doesn’t define a tab_label and is therefore not shown at all (see default behavior of views.TabView.tab_visible()).


Keep in mind that if you’re overriding get_context_data(self, **kwargs), you need to call the superclasses’ versions of the method first (like in the example above). Otherwise, you’ll override the tabs context variable.

Accessing request data

If you want to access self.request in a function used to render the tab item in your template, you may notice that it is not available. This is because the tab instances other than your current tab don’t pass through the request dispatching functions.

If you need access to your current request information, you can access it via the self.current_tab attribute, e.g.:

class SpamTab(TabView):
    # (...)
    def username(self):
        current_tab = self.current_tab
        user = current_tab.request.user
        return user.username

Tab navigation template

Available context variables:

  • tabs
  • current_tab_id
  • parent_tabs
  • parent_tab_id
  • child_tabs
  • view

In order to display the tabs in your templates, you need to create a tab list using the {{ tabs }} context variable. You can also use {{ current_tab_id }} to access the id of the currently active tab. Here is an example template:

<div id="tab_navigation">
        {% for tab in tabs %}
            <li class="{{ tab.tab_classes|join:" " }}{% if tab.tab_id == current_tab_id %} active{% endif %}">
                <a href="/tabs/{{ tab.tab_id }}/" {%if tab.tab_rel %}rel="{{ tab.tab_rel }}"{% endif %}>
                {% if tab.tab_counter %}<em>{{ tab.tab_counter }}</em>{% endif %}
                {{ tab.tab_label }}
        {% endfor %}

Each item in the {{ tabs }} list is an instance of a tab in the same tab group as the current tab. Therefore you can use all class- and instance variables as well as all functions without arguments that are defined in the views.TabView base class or in the extending class.

If you want to access the current tab instance, you can simply use the view variable which is provided by Django’s ContextMixin.

It’s a good idea to put this template code in a file called e.g. blocks/tabination.html and to include it everywhere you want the navigation to be displayed:

{% include "blocks/tabination.html" %}

Multilevel navigation

django-tabination can also be used for multilevel navigation. You can use the tab_parent attribute to connect two navigation levels. The attribute is defined at the child base navigation class. The following example has a tab called ParentTab which is at the first navigation level. The base class of the second navigation level is ChildNavigationBaseTab. This class defines the attribute tab_parent to connect itself and all it’s siblings with the parent navigation level.

from tabination.views import TabView

# First navigation level

class ParentNavigationBaseTab(TabView):
    """Base class for all parent navigation tabs."""
    tab_group = 'parent_navigation'
    tab_classes = ['parent-navigation-tab']

class ParentTab(ParentNavigationBaseTab):
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'parent'
    tab_label = 'Parent'
    template_name = 'parent_tab.html'

class EmptyTab(ParentNavigationBaseTab):
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'empty'
    tab_label = 'Empty'
    template_name = 'empty_tab.html'

# Second navigation level

class ChildNavigationBaseTab(TabView):
    """Base class for all child navigation tabs."""
    tab_group = 'child_navigation'
    tab_classes = ['child-navigation-tab']
    tab_parent = ParentTab

class FirstChildTab(ChildNavigationBaseTab):
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'first_child'
    tab_label = 'First Child'
    template_name = 'first_child_tab.html'

class SecondChildTab(ChildNavigationBaseTab):
    _is_tab = True
    tab_id = 'second_child'
    tab_label = 'Second Child'
    template_name = 'second_child_tab.html'

Multilevel template context

If you use multilevel navigation new values are added to your template context.

If the current tab has a parent tab the following values are added:

The tab_id of the parent tab.
Instances of all tabs at the parent level.

The following variable is added to the template context if the current tab is a parent tab and has one or more children:

A list of instances of all child tabs.

Because the {{ current_tab }} and {{ current_tab_id }} context variables always refer to the globally current tab and not to the active tab in the current tab group, you would have to write different templates for the different levels of navigation to properly set an active class on the tab item. To avoid this problem, you can use the tab.group_current_tab attribute which is provided with every tab object and refers to the active tab of the current tab group, no whether where in the hierarchy the group is positioned.

If you didn’t quite understand the things above (it’s complicated I know...), just take a look at the following example:

{# blocks/tab.html #}

<li class="{{ tab.tab_classes|join:" " }}{% if tab.tab_id == tab.group_current_tab.tab_id %} active{% endif %}">
    <a href="/{{ tab.tab_id }}/" {%if tab.tab_rel %}rel="{{ tab.tab_rel }}"{% endif %}>
    {{ tab.tab_label }}
{# blocks/navigation.html #}

<div id="tab_navigation">
    {% if parent_tabs %}
            {% for tab in parent_tabs %}
                {% include 'blocks/tab.html' %}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
        {% for tab in tabs %}
            {% include 'blocks/tab.html' %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% if child_tabs %}
        {% for tab in child_tabs %}
            {% include 'blocks/tab.html' %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

Sorting tabs

Tabs are sorted by their weight attribute automatically. Tabs with a lower weight are sorted before tabs with a higher weight. The default value of weight is 0. Negative values are also allowed and will be sorted before postive values. If two tabs have the same weight the natural order of the classes is used.